How to Increase PageRank (PR)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 | | |

Before we discuss How to Increase the Pagerank or PR, I want little tell ya, this afternoon at around 2 nights (why?) I idly check my Google Pagerank, uh there is something that greatly increases the er my heart happy. Strange magic son was so surprised, that yesterday I fit Pagerank Update on 2 January kalo ga one, still have a PR 2, miraculously today almost a week eh kira2 my PR go up again one seed, so now I dah Pagerank 3. Maybe gi ato error I also do not know how .. Usually Google PR Update nih 3 months, but I cuman kok dah naek week again y? wah nice too if ya every 1 week naek, meaning cuman took 7 weeks for my homework so 10 .. hahahhaha ... Let your friends check her homework deh .. My Grandpa also sapatau error.
Actually I am ashamed to want to write a post or tips like this because I am also still Newbie. But I'm just trying to help friends who are just learning SEO and who may wonder how hell can I improve my Pagerank? This time I will tell how to improve my own style (Read: Chiko Charming). Tips to increase Google Pagerank ga much different from my friends at other bloggers.

The long-awaited:
1. Should always be updated. Grandfather was the most important.
2. Inserting Links in the forums, in addition to free parking URLs, we can also get various kinds of information from others. hehe
3. Lots to learn and discuss the senior Blogger or another blogger friend. Ga needs to see if this blogger ato it still has a lower PR, the information that others provide very valuable for us. There is still much we do not know but others know it.
4. There is no shame if we Maw asked the Master-Master Blogger, kalo emang ga know and want to know, what's wrong with asking, kalo ga answered, the question continues hehehe .. Only Crying Baby Can Get The Milk (either the left or right) hehehhe.
5. Blogwalking (easy to know right?), In addition to make friends, we can also see what information was given by other bloggers.
6. Give comments on blogs that do follow, no follow also commented on gpp, if indeed interesting and gives us the latest info, what's wrong.

Cuman dah it improve pagerank ala Newbie tips. Some may wonder why a week cuman dah rose again, yes that's Google's Secret Om, I just can surrender if my homework dinaikin, Maw refused but tasty ga ma Om Google. Well I suggest you also read this and this. But if you enjoy reading this who gituan