Free Web sites and why you should avoid

Friday, November 2, 2007 | | |

It amazes me how people try to build Web sites with serious free web hosting providers. While we all love things in life that are marked "free", but it does not always meaning to go in that direction if it will cost more in the long term.

And I am not just talking in monetary terms. The costs may also come in the form of time and energy. I do not know about you but I do not lose these two things.

Now, make no mistake. There are cases where freedom of sites Sens. Let's say you just practice your HTML skills and do not plan to display your site to anyone. Or perhaps you are a minor and can not register a domain name. Your only option is to choose a home free. These are two occasions where the construction of a free website certainly a sense, and of course there are a handful of other scenarios.

What I do not understand when people tell me they want to start a business site, but they want to build their site for free. Wait a second .... starting a business without start-up costs? Do you know of any successful businesses offline, which began for free? Do you think the founding fathers of Burger King and McDonald's in search of free space to set up their shops?

Of course, they did not because they wanted people to take their business and seriously. Even if they found a free place to set up shop, it was obvious that it was free and they would have paid for it over the long term. This payment would probably take the form of a lack of sales and, possibly, a judgement.

Online Business is no different than offline this regard. Of course there are cost advantages to save starting a new business line by line, but start by taking shortcuts not prove a disaster at the end. A website is the foundation of your business, and if your base is fragile, it will be very difficult for you to prosper.

Disadvantages of the free websites

* Limited web page here
* Search engines often ignore them
* No interactive features (such as chat rooms, bulletin boards, games command line, etc.)
* Banners and / or pop ads on your home page and / or all of your pages
* Long website address (instead
* May not be free forever
* No guarantee of site availability and longevity
* No mark e-mails (
* Poor Support Options (if any)

Free hosts lack of stability

One of the main problems I have with free web hosts is stability. Often, they grow too big too fast. Even if they do not charge you anything for your site, they must still payer their own monthly Web hosting fees.

Most guests have a bandwidth (traffic) limitation and if you go over, they charge you more. This in turn causes of their Web hosting costs increase and they can not afford it, they are forced to shut down or begin to charge fees.

So, either you lose your site or end up paying for anyway. And if you are forced to pay for your site, you must pay what they decide to lay charges. Even if it is scandalous, many people end up paying just to avoid losing their site.

Now you can say There is always the possibility of finding another host, but this is usually not very practical. Think about it. If you go to another host, not only must transfer all your files, but the address of your site will change a car you do not own the field. Also, everyone that your favorite site will now see a "page not found" error when trying to access my home page.

Pop ups and banners

There is nothing that screams "amateur site" more than flashing banners and pop up. While many users now have a kind of blocking ads that will prevent some pop up display, but it is better to believe a big part of your audience is still see them. Also, blocking software does not filter everything.

What's worse on the banners is that you do not have control over the frequency, placement or content. Here, you try to be as professional as possible and an ad for Viagra flies across the screen, yelling at visitors' Buy me NOW! "Real professional is not it?)

Search engines are tougher on you

As time passes, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve good search engine ranking. Even if you buy your own domain name it takes some work to even get the list ... much less well ordered. So having a free website that makes it much more difficult.

The free hosts have received a bad name, primarily because customers often abandon their sites or use of spamming tactics to try to Strengthening their ranking. Free Internet sites tend to be smaller and lack of quality content so they end up having ignored by the search engine spiders anyway.

Not Getting enrolled in one of the main engines would be extremely disappointing that one on plans to get more of your traffic from places like Yahoo, MSN, Google, etc. Many companies rely on the free circulation.

Space is limited and functionality

You want to build an online store? Sorry, you can not do this on a free site. You want to build a chat room or message forum? Sorry, you can do on a free site.

Do you see a trend yet? Yeah ... Free sites generally have a limited functionality, they are now really best suited for Web sites that contain only text and photos.

For security reasons, they are not used to provide the platform that you would need to build additional features.


These are just a portion of the questions you have to treat with if you decide to start your business with a Web hosting service free.

I could go on and on, but I hope you can see, this is definitely worth investing a small amount each month to get your company on the right foot. The average hosting cost less than $ 15 per month and many are under $ 10.